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Monday 18 July 2011

The Just Shall live by Faith

One of the reasons why we don’t seem to enjoy our service or relationship with God is because we fail to have accurate judgment of ourselves, of God’s actions and of other people’s actions. Most times we judge to please our ego and pride.

Change the way you see the situation and then experience festivals of joy.

Stop condemning yourself all day and see the love of God that is inexhaustible.

Your life is designed by God to glorify Him here on earth and be with Him eternally.

You are born to rule and reign over the powers of those enemies.

The just has a pattern of life that makes them survive the onslaught of the devil. The just lives a lifestyle that leads them in spiritual and their secular life; he has accurate judgment of what he has what he needs what God says and does; there is no prejudice about fellow brothers and sisters.

It is a life that depends upon God for achieving his or her goals. You can’t trust in man or government or powers of this world and expect to enjoy life. The Word of God says: woe unto him that puts his trust in man. Also in Jeremiah 2:37 the Bible says, “You will also leave that place with your hands on your head, for the Lord has rejected those you trust; you will not be helped by them.”

Start depending on God and you will accomplish greater success. It shall be well with you in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday 5 July 2011

You Are Designed to Shine

Wherever darkness covers, there is bound to be social, political natural and spiritual upheavals. The world is in economic woes because corruption which is part of the works of darkness thrive. If we will be the persons Jesus wants us to be, the world will be a place to live in with exceeding joy, perfect security, prosperity and peace. The Lord Jesus Christ said "you are the light of the world, let your light so shine before all men..." Matthew 5: 14

G. S. Adeyemo