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Friday 22 February 2019


 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” James 2:26. 
 Rev'd G. S. Adeyemo
“True faith means holding nothing back. It means putting every hope in God's fidelity to His Promises.” -Francis Chan. The Epistle of James to all men is a spotlight on the practical life of a Christian. It is a balanced teaching for those who think faith is limited to the heart without or with less outward acts on the part of a Christian on one hand; and those who teach that a believer must work for eternity on the other hand. Apostle James will want everyone in the church answer two questions. First, “If you say you are a Christian, why are you not living like a Christian? Second, “If you are not a Christian why are you living as if you are one?”
The Messenger
There are four different persons referred to as James in the New Testament. The first James is the son of Zebedee called by Jesus while catching fish. He is the brother of John. Matt. 4: 21-22. He was the first martyr Acts 12:1-2 and could not have been the author of the Book if James. James the son of Alpheus is another person referred to in the New Testament. He was obscure in the New Testament history. Matt. 10:3. James the father of Judas (not Judas Iscariot) Luke 6:16. And the fourth James as recorded in the Book of James simply referred to himself as servant of God and Jesus Christ. He is half-brother of Jesus Christ. Matt. 13:55-56; Mark 6:3. He met Jesus Christ after resurrection and later became prominent leader among the Apostles. 
 The Message to Them
The Book of James does not mention salvation, Holy Spirit or baptism. It mentions Jesus just twice in 1:1 and 2:1. However, it mentions ‘faith’ 12 times and works 10 times. Therefore, James’ emphasis is on the practice of our faith rather than replacing our faith with works. He says, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” James 2:26. 
The Message to Us
Many Christians deny their faith due to trials, temptations, persecutions, false teaching, worldliness and many other situations around them. They faint in their commitment to service of God. The message by the Holy Spirit to us in time like this is to act upon our faith in all situations. 
In trials count it all joy
In provocation keep your tongue
in affluence be fair to all
In leadership be diligent
In sickness, pray to God
Faith inspires inner strength with which we can face our life challenges. It is impossible to live above our circumstances without faith in God. Heb. 11:6 Therefore, brethren, believe in God and act out your faith to be justified both in the sight of God and men.  As you do this, the Lord will move into the situation and grant you all round victory in Jesus name. 

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