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Sunday 29 April 2012

What to Offer God

Hebrews 13: 15
"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."
What present can you give to God? After all He created everything in heaven and on earth. He gave us all things free of charge. Courtesy demands that we appreciate anyone who gave us one thing or the other...
Praise is the fruit of your lips. James says, with our lips we praise God therefore we should not use it to condemn one another. Praise to God is probably the most important thing that will ever pass through your lips. God deserves your praise. God desires your praise. Give Him your praise! 

Saturday 14 April 2012

Wisdom for Living

 Know what are the graces deposited in you by God and present them to the world in order to win them over to God. Your beauty, skills, gifts, businesses and other values in you are great things for you to serve the Lord with. You don’t need to dress indecently to attract opposite sex. There are boys and girls that still appreciate moral values. Do not build your life around artificial lifestyles watched over the televisions. It is not all that glitters that is gold. It is not all what we see on pages of printed papers or on the popular communication platforms are right for you. Always put the kingdom of God and His righteousness first.
God bless you in Jesus name

Saturday 7 April 2012

The One and Only Sacrifice

Human efforts to reconcile to his Creator always end up in frustration, disaster and hopelessness: these education, philosophy, good moral, alms giving and religious piety. The age long plague of our spirit soul and body  which is sin defies all those efforts. It is the cruel tool in the hand of Satan for human doom.
However, God in His inexhaustible love sent Jesus Christ His only begotten Son about 2000 years ago. He was arrested and nailed to the cross. He was buried on Friday but on the third day, He arose victoriously to earn our deliverance from Satan, sin and the penalty. Through this perfect one and only sacrifice we can obtain mercy, pardon and eternal life in God; praise God! We have reason to celebrate Easter. Happy celebrations.