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Saturday 10 May 2014

Far Above Rubies

Preached by Reverend G. S. Adeyemo during Mother's Day
On 11/5/2014 
At Christ Baptist Church
Alimoso, Lagos Nigeria
I felicitate with women worldwide and especially with the Women Missionary Union of the Baptist Family on the occasion of this year Mother's Day holding May 11, 2014. It is my prayer that the Lord will continue to bless you richly in Jesus name. The theme: 'Far above the Rubies' speaks volume about the priceless quality of a woman. 
There are four most precious stones namely: Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby.  Our attention is drawn to rubies in the Bible when considering the price of a woman. “Who can find a virtuous  woman?  For her price is far above rubies.”  (Proverbs 31: 10) Diamonds may get all the attention, but rubies and sapphires are the first choice of kings and the affluent because of their extreme rarity.  
This rarity is seen in three dimensions namely; Colour, Character and Cost.
The colour reveals special qualities and peculiarity in this precious stone. The red colour is caused by an element called chromium. This is a hard metallic element highly polished resists tarnishing. As a result of this element a ruby becomes so pretty and precious.
God created women with special beauty. Jacob decided to serve Laban for seven years because of beautiful Rachel. He eventually ended up serving for fourteen years Woman, take care of your beauty because it is the glory of God demonstrated upon you .Do not allow it to be tarnished. The beauty of a ruby is seen from outside. But a godly woman's beauty is seen from inside according to the Bible. 1Peter 3: 1-4 
This will take us to the second dimension to a ruby. A ruby is formed out of the element called corundum which gives it a hard character.  It has to do with integrity and doggedness. Reading through Proverbs 31: 10 -31 shows these special qualities. A godly woman has greater value and honour than rubies. 
As a result of the previous qualities, a ruby  is highly valued. 
No matter how highly valued a ruby might be, the preciousness of a godly woman stands far taller. every precious woman strives to preserve inner beauty and maintain her integrity in the face of all mundane things that are plaguing this generation. Jesus Christ is the only catalyst that makes the life of a woman so dynamic and highly favoured by God and men. 
Allow Him to transform you and you will never remain the same. 
Happy Mother's Day!!!