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Tuesday 24 November 2015

Essential Elements of Christian Worship

Worship means different thing to different people. It differs from denomination to denomination and religion to religion. "Worship can be described as giving Praises, meditating the word of God and interacting on the mind of God" Adeniji L. O., Also, "Worship is the way by which we rever our maker" Funmi Edun
 The word “worship” comes from an old English word “worthship.” Worship is declaring by word and deed that God is worthy of our absolute love, total devotion and complete obedience in every aspect of life (Revelation 5:12). We declare that God is worthy of our total dedication by the way we live daily (Romans 14:8). We demonstrate our love for God by our service to others through evangelism, missions, ministry and efforts to develop a more just and humane world.Our worship must be based on sound, scriptural principles, and as in every matter. Whatever message or teaching or practices that negates this standard must be discarded in its entirety. The acceptable worship must edify the spirit of the worshiper. 
What are the Elements of Christan Worship? There are two basic elements namely, 1. Truth and 2, Spirit
1. Our worship must be in truth. In itJohn 4:19-24,
While Jesus was talkiing with the Samaritan woman at the well that those who worship God "must worship in spirit and truth." We could see the imperativeness of the key elements of worship by saying " But the hour cometh, and now  is, when the true worshippers shall worship  the Father in spirit and in truth: for the  Father seeketh such to worship him. God  is a Spirit: and they that worship him must  worship him in spirit and in truth. " John 4: 23, 24. God will accept no other worship than that which is "in spirit and truth." What is truth? In John 17:17 as Jesus prays that his Father might sanctify his disciples "in the truth: thy word is truth." If the word of God is the standard of truth, this eliminates mere denominational sentiments and personal opinions, etc. as being the standard of truth. Therefore, to worship in truth is to worship according to what the Word of God says.
Doing what you ought to do in God's own way. Apostle Paul says, "And I was with you in weakness,  and in fear, and in much trembling.  And  my speech and my preaching was not with  enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in  demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the  wisdom of men, but in the power of God." 1Corinthians 2: 3-5; Matthew 22: 16; Mark 12: 14; John 1: 14; Acts 26: 25; Also in 2Corinthians 6 He says, " By the word of  truth, by the power of God, by the armour of  righteousness on the right hand and on the  left, By honour and dishonour, by evil  report and good report: as deceivers, and  yet true;  As unknown, and  yet well  known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as  chastened, and not killed; As sorrowful,  yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making  many rich; as having nothing, and yet  possessing all things." 7-10
          to be continued