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Thursday 7 September 2017

Divine Sufficiency In Time Like This

Jesus is the Great Shepherd; He is able to supply all your needs no matter what may be your background or situation...
Text: Psalm 23:1
"The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want"

The name Lord points to the sovereignty of God, supremacy, highest rank, unrivaled and unequal authority of God. It is talking about God who is able to do all things and provide all things. He makes impossibilities possible. Whatever He does is the final. By divine inspiration, Hannah declared “The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up.
The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; on them he has set the world. 1 Samuel 2: 5-8
David had spent great deal of his time as a shepherd meditating and contemplating on the works and sovereignty of God. Every verse of Psalm 23 reveals the truth about the relationship between God and David. What David was to his sheep, he considered the Lord to be that and even more to himself as one of God's sheep. The relationship with Spirit Being that satisfies the earthly needs. God’s relationship is not just a promise for eternity but It is also for here and now.  Serving God starts from this terrestrial world before celestial world.  So, God’s protection is for now.  Having spiritual fellowship and friendship with God is for now. He will meet you at your points of needs in Jesus name. 
Our able God is our Shepherd. The Lord is translated 'Jehovah' compare Psalm 121:1, 2 says, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”  Therefore, believers must cast their trust on the Lord for all sufficiency. In other words, God must come first in our reasoning and actions. David as sheep, pictures God the way human shepherd identifies himself with the sheep no matter what may be the condition. He refers to God as the Good Shepherd which is about the human feeling in God as a Shepherd who always identify with the sheep. John 10:11 the Good Shepherd sacrifices convenience for his sheep. “I am the good shepherd: trusting in Him today and always, He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Jesus name.
“There was a shepherd-boy in a small village beside a forest. Every day he sat under a large tree, while his flock of sheep grazed on the grass of the meadow. His time hardly passed. The shepherd-boy felt bored and wanted some excitement in his life.
So, to get some fun, one day he gave aloud shout! ‘Help! Help! A tiger is here!!’. The villagers listened to his voice and came running with weapons. But they didn’t saw any tiger in the field. The large flock of sheep was grazing quietly. The shepherd-boy began to laugh in amusement and told the villagers that it was a big joke. The villagers were angry and scolded him for raising a false alarm. The shepherd-boy was warned not to repeat this mistake.
But the boy did not realize his mistake. After a few days he again repeated the trick and started shouting, “Help! Help! A tiger is here!!”. At first non-one came, but when he pretended to cry in fear for some time, the villagers thought he was in real danger. They came rushing to help him. The boy, amused with his own acting, began to laugh at the villagers.
Then one day, a tiger really came out of the forest, killed some sheep, and then killed the shepherd-boy. He kept crying out for help many times. But the villagers were sure that he was joking again. Thus, the shepherd boy’s habit of lying caused his death.”
Unlike this shepherd-boy, Jesus Christ at age 33, was attacked by the wolf and beers of this world. Satan and sinners rose against Him, arrested him, and nailed Him to the cross. Of a truth, "About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (Which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"). Matthew 27:46. It was of a truth that no human being came to rescue Him. Yes, He died and was buried. But the good news is that, on the third day the Lord of Host sent an angel to roll away the stone where Jesus was buried. Unlike the shepherd boy who died and remains dead, Jesus rose from the grave and He is alive as the only Shepherd that is sufficient for all situations. Jesus is the Great Shepherd; He is able to supply all your needs no matter what may be your background or situation. Just trust Him and experience a turnaround from desert to all sufficiency. 
Come to Him and trust Him today and you shall not want. 
God bless you in Jesus name.