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Wednesday 28 February 2018

We Are Co-Labourers in Service

Prosperity is also a reward for kingdom service. Exodus 23:25...;

Text: - "8 Now he that planteth and he  that watereth are one: and every man shall  receive his own reward according to his  own labour. 9 For we are labourers  together with God: ye are God’s husbandry,  ye are God’s building.  10 According to the  grace of God which is given unto me, as a  wise masterbuilder, I have laid the  foundation, and another buildeth thereon.  But let every man take heed how he  buildeth thereupon." 1Corinthians 3:8-10
There are three basic truths to be considered in reference to this topic. 1) the work of God is always in progress. 2) the work of God is always in partnership. 3) the work of God is always payback.
1) The Work of God is always in Progress. Since creation, no one has ever completed what God started. He created Adam to keep and dress the garden of Eden. The works of keeping, dressing and sovereignty over the earth had been transmitted to Noah, to Abraham, Moses, the Prophets, the Apostles and now to us. If Jesus tarries, this generation will transmit same mandate to next generation. The Bible says, "6 Being confident of this very  thing, that he which hath begun a good  work in you will perform it until the day of  Jesus Christ:" Phil. 1:6(emphasis mine). You are not the first to do what you are doing in the house of God. You cannot be the last either.
2) The Work of God is Always in Partnership. The absoluteness of God is not in doubt. He is Almighty and not limited by time and space. Yet, in His own volition he decided to involve us in what He is doing. Thus we are to work with oneanother in the service of God. Whether you be planter or sprinkler, we need eachother to achieve desired goals. Read verse 9 of 1Corintians 9 again, "For we are labourers  together with God: ye are God’s husbandry,  ye are God’s building."
Though each person is unique, no one can achieve much in isolation. You belong to someone as someone belongs to you. "So  we, being many, are one body in Christ,  and every one members one of another." Romans 12:5
3) The Work of God is Always Payback. Serving in the vineyard of God is rewarding. Prosperity in the Kingdom of God is not just a function of hard work, planning, strategies and prayer. Prosperity is also a reward for kingdom service. Exodus 23:25; Matthew 6:33; Hebrew 6: 10, 11; Mark 10: 30, 31; 2 Corinthian 15: 58; John 15: 16; Galatians 6 :7; 2Corinthian 9: 6-8.
My dearly beloved, avail yourself and possession for the service of God. Be ready to work with one another in the house of God and everywhere you are. Serve willingly and in love to safe lives and God will surelly bless you richly in Jesus name.

Saturday 10 February 2018

Bended Knees

Prayer builds up relationship with God, develops spiritual vitality, helps discover the will of God, fight the battle of life and achieve what is difficult to achieve

Text: Genesis 32:6-12
The Lord had led the leadership of the Men Missionary Union of the Nigeria Baptist Convention to focus on bringing back fresh fire to our prayer life. This is a timely message and i strongly believe the Holy Spirit will rekindle the fire in us and there will be greater harvest in Jesus name.
The need for prayer,
The impediments to effective prayer life and
Overcoming challenges through bended knees.

Probing the Needs for Prayer: - "If God is all powerful, if God loves me and He knows all my needs, If God knows what I want even before I open my mouth, then why do I have to pray?"
The lost of eternal life, sovereignty over the earth and prosperitydue to rebelion against the will of God necesitates prayer. Everyone needs prayer because of our various needs. There are needs to be met in our marital life, career, education, politics, finance, debt, etc.
No matter how rich or poor a man is, it is evidently clear that he needs prayer. You may be educated or illitrate, there is one  need or the other in our lives that human effort can't provide. Suffice it to say that prayer will lift every demonic embargo.
Prayer builds up relationship with God, develops spiritual vitality, helps discover the will of God, fight the battle of life and achieve what is difficult to achieve.  John 14:12-14.
Marks of Life Without Bended Knees
Panic and fear
Mindful of mundane things
Inability to tarry before God
Irregular prayer life
How to Build Effective Bended Knees
1. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit
2. Know and pray the scripture
3. Approach God in prayer as friend who is ready and able to help you out
Prayer is a shield for protection, key to unlock doors of heaven and channel through which we communicate God. Everyone on earth needs prayer as lifeline in times of life challenges. The more you pray the more you know how to pray. Jesus prays, and he commanded us to pray. He says, "23 For verily I say unto you, That  whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be  thou removed, and be thou cast into the  sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but  shall believe that those things which he  saith shall come to pass; he shall have  whatsoever he saith." Mark 11:23.
As you pray through Him, your life and situation shall turnaround in Jesus name.