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Saturday 28 April 2018

Moving Forward: Building the Nation through Christian Participation

The Nigerian Baptist Convention 2018 in Port Harcourt River State

It's a glorious session with unprecedented testimonies at this year Baptist Convention spiritual awakening in Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria.
The President, Reverend Dr Supo Ayokunle who is also currently the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria play host of the General Overseer of the Faith Tabernacle a.k.a Winner's Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo.
Click the link to enjoy the session...
Rev'd G. S. Adeyemo

Sunday 15 April 2018

Keys to Supernatural Blessings

...Today you will discover...how to tap into the irresistible blessings of God...

It is the will of God to pour immeasurable blessings upon His people in this end time. He is able to make everyone abound in all sufficiency at all times. However, not all who pray or give received such divine favour. As long as your trust is in the Lord, and as long as you give to take the Gospel to the nations, you are positioned to partake in the divine sufficiency! Today you will discover why you are not experiencing surpassing grace for sufficiency and how to tap into the irresistible blessings of God.  First let us examine some hinderances to supernatural blessings.

Hinderances to supernatural blessings
1. Lack of Knowledge:- This is a major weapon in the hands of the devil to rub a child of God of the access to the supernatural abundance. Isaiah 5:13;
2. Rebellion Against the Will of God:- This is willful breaking of the laws of God. It includes opposing and plotting against minister of God. No one ever kick against servants of God without experiencing misfortunes. Isaiah 1:19; Debut. 28:14
3. Satanic Manipulation:-In the supernatural realm and the wicked one, Satan is defeated and cannot directly stop the hands of God (Luke 10:18). However he manipulates and distort the mind of man towards that realm.

Keys to Supernatural Blessings
There are keys to releasing supernatural blessings. These are as shared below:
1. Seeking God's Kingdom:- In Psalm 23, the Psalmist's confidence in the Lord as his Shepherd results in sufficiency. Just as shepherd goes all the way in search of green pastures for his sheep, so the Lord provides for the needs of His children. Putting God first leads to contentment. Matt. 6:33
2. Living in God's Will:- The Lord's leading and guidance keep a man perpetually in the will of God. Whatever you ask according to His will can't go unfulfilled. 1John 5:14, 15
Do not allow the will of the flesh, the world or satan determine your fate. Only God's grace can lead to all sufficiency at all time for all good works.
3. Breaking Satanic Manipulation:- Shepherds use their rod to deal with any attack on the sheep. The rod is also a weapon to fight the enemies. Once the Psalmist remembered the presence of the Shepherd armed with His rod and staff, then he would be comforted. Ephesians 6:10-14.
Today, God has given us the Holy Spirit through whom we raise a standard against all enemies of our destiny.
As you rise to pray in the spirit, the Lord will break all negative protocols for you to experience supernatural blessings in Jesus name.

Rev'd G. S. Adeyemo

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Every Moment Counts

"Your tomorrow begins now..."

"Your tomorrow begins now, never take any moment for granted; every moment counts." -G. S. Adeyemo (11/04/2018)

Saturday 7 April 2018

It Shall Turn to Praise

Your giant will fall before your presence... It is not about size but about the capacity you carry.

Text:-"For  his anger endureth but a moment; in his  favour is life: weeping may endure for a  night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5

Whenever we feel that God is absent it is because God wants to get our attention. This Psalm was written by David after the completion of the house of Cedar. At its dedication, he reflected on past crises  and God's deliverance. How God had drawn him up, healed him, restored him. He vowed to offer praises to God. Your pains shall turn to praises in Jesus name. God has delivered the psalmist from the power of death and hell; He will rescue you too.
David discovered that if sorrow or pain fills his night, it shall turn to praise in the morning.
There are major truths we need to observe as we share this prophetic theme:
A. Your pain is a reality that is hard to accept. However, it is also a reality that your pain shall turn to praise. Jesus told his disciples about the reality of suffering and pain. He says, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye  shall weep and lament, but the world shall  rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your  sorrow shall be turned into joy." John 16:20. He was quick to add "Your sorrow shall be turned to joy" You crises is not the end of the world, there are better days ahead.
B. Your capacity to turn pain to praise is not about your size; it is about God who has the final say. David was just a young inexperienced lad who innocently came to see his brothers in war front. Goliath, the giant Philistine soldier who was armed to the teeth roared. He was threatening Israel's army. No one dared get closer, but David with just one stone in his sling brought down the giant. Your giant will fall before your presence in Jesus name. It is not about size but about the capacity you carry. He that dwells in you is greater than him that dwells in the world.
C. Difficulty is an opportunity to manifest God's glory not to ruin you. Your pain is a process towards your success. Wait till the end. David had gone through several crises and troubles. He fell into sin, rebuked by God, he suffered persecution and lack but he was not deterred. He realised that God's hand was not short to deliver. He trusted in God and vowed to offer praise for deliverance.
Therefore, to turn your pain to praise:
1. You must get your direction right. Direction determins destination, therefore seek the right path to victory in Jesus. He is the only Way to the Father. John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Phil. 2: 7-10; Hebrews 12:2. When direction is wrong speed becomes irrelevant.
2. Be ready to pay a price. Psalm 126:5,6. If you sow in tears, you shall reap in joy. Gal. 6:7; 2 Sam. 24:24; Gen. 22: 9-13, 15-18. Sacrifice is exchange of value. You offer what you have to gain a better one.
3. Trust in the surpassing grace of God. It takes the grace of God to reverse any irreversible. There are times our situations look so overwhelming. The Scripture says, "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that ye always in all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work" 2 Corinthians 9:8. Don't be discouraged, the favour of God will lift you out of the valley of pains to the mountain of praise in Jesus name.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

It Shall Turn to Praise!

Your Pains Shall Turn to Praise

"Stop focusing on your pain, but fix your eyes on the gain; Without pain no gain" -g. s. Adeyemo