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Saturday 27 June 2020


 You carry the capacity to conquer all forces that are manipulating your destiny.   
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Luke 10: 19
 Reverend G. S. Adeyemo

The undeniable fact in this world is that everyone is born to a battle field. The moment we are born into this world, here is always the struggle to survive. However, Jesus tells all His disciples the truth about the capacity given to believers to conquer those battles of life. He says, “I have given you authority…” This authority indwells the believer even before the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The word authority is a demonstrative power given to override a possibility from others. It is the capacity to interrupt the liberty of a force against our territory. With the authority conferred in a policeman, soldier or someone in the helms of affairs, other people's movement, actions, freedom  can be trampled upon except there is a superior authority to hold back such an officer. Our Lord Jesus Christ holds all authority in heaven and on earth. The Psalmist says, “You make him  to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet,” Psalm 8: 6.;Matthew 28: 18; Ephesians 1: 21; Matthew 11: 27; 2 Peter 3: 22; John 3: 35   
A serpent is known for all kinds of deceit, disruption, destruction and wickedness. The good news is that we have been given authority to trample on the serpents and scorpions. In addition to that, Jesus has given us the authority to overcome all the power of the enemy. Whatever constitutes the power of the enemy has no effect on you. He says, “Nothing will harm you” Halleluyah!
Beloved, do not accept defeat. You carry the capacity to conquer all forces that are manipulating your destiny. It is your right to trample on them and their powers. Believe the Word; trust in the efficacy of the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord says, No weapon form against you shall prosper. Isaiah 54: 17

You can enjoy this eternal blessing if you will surrender your life to Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Be ready to yield to His words and pray fervently. Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit. Receive by faith and you will never remain the same in Jesus name.

Thursday 11 June 2020


You live this new life in Christ, it is expected that you are not to struggle to live but to trust in the perfect and finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
 Reverend G. S. Adeyemo

This message was preached at Christ Baptist Church, Alimosho Lagos during the 2020 Youth Sunday of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
A believer in Christ is given the power to live eternal and abundant life here on earth and beyond. This is a life that is both progressive and productive. No matter what may be the trials and temptations encountered as you live this new life in Christ, it is expected that you are not to struggle to live but to trust in the perfect and finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.  The Bible says, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3: 36 in other words, every child of God has the capacity to live a life devoid of corruption and death. The topic the Lord is leading us to share together today is 'The Living Faith'. The text is taken from the book of Hebrews chapter 10: verses 35 through 39.
Let us first consider the key word here which is faith. It is the Greek word 'pistis' meaning persuasion, or moral conviction. It is a profession of one's faith confidence and persuasion on the truthfulness of the power in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  
Our faith will be tested and tried, but the truth remains that we can prevail and fulfill divine purpose for our life if we live by the faith in Jesus.
Prosperity Christianity is one side of the end time challenges, 'BOKO HARAM' and religious persecution is another side for the reason for which many young people are giving up on their faith in Christ. 
In the midst of all of these, there is a calling on us to have a Living Faith in Christ, a faith that speaks.  The faith of Enoch is till speaking, can you grow your faith in Christ to speak even after you are no more?
If your faith will be a living faith and a faith that speaks all through many generations you need to: 
1. Accept the sacrifice of Jesus as absolute (10:20- 23): There are all kinds of teachings today on salvation. It does not matter what people and religion say, Christ is the only High Priest through whom the sacrifice for our salvation was made and sealed. In John 14:6 
2. Live daily in the Purpose of God (Hebrews10:7, 36; 11:5,8): It is not just enough to know the purpose of God for your life, you must give all it takes to achieve it.
3. Understand the timing of God (Hebrews 10:37): If your faith will be a living faith that speaks you need to understand the timing of God for your life. 
Our God is a God of time and season. Enoch did not missed that great opportunity of walking with God, Joseph did not say, I am a little boy, he stood for righteousness and holy living and Esther got to the throne just at the appointed time.