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Sunday 29 July 2012


“From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdained.” Jeremiah 30: 19.
One of the benefits of life is honour. Any life without it faces ridicule, pain and despondency. when honour comes, songs of thanksgiving follow.
Number one thing that can bring you honour is the favour of God. Heb. 5: 4 says, “And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.”  Moses, Joseph, David Solomon, Peter, James, Matthew etc. FAVOUR   means generally good will, acceptance, and the benefits flowing from these. "Have pity on" (Ps 109:12), "good will" (Prov 14:9), "peace" (Song 8:10); the English Revised Version "grace" (Ruth 2:13), the American Standard Revised Version "kindness" (Est 2:17; Dan 1:9), etc. In the   "the acceptable year of the Lord" (Isa 61:2) is changed into "the year of Yahweh's favor"
Every reason for the withdrawal of God’s favour from my life is cancelled in Jesus name.
All pending and existing judgments of the darkness over my life is annulled in Jesus name
Every mark of humiliation on my life and family is destroyed in Jesus name.
Second thing that will bring honour to your life is your gift. Whatever you possess spiritually, materially and socially is supposed to bring honour to your life.  “And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour.” Pro 45: 12, also in Eccl. 5: 19 the Word of God says,  “Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God”
The hand of ridicule over my gifts be destroyed in Jesus name
O Lord, raise me up for greatness in this generation and generations to come in Jesus name.
Where others are failing Father, move me forward in Jesus name.
Let my celebrations begin now in the name of Jesus Christ.
Be ready to appreciate God in the victory of His name. Remain blessed in Jesus name
Rev’d G. S. Adeyemo
The Senior Pastor, Christ Baptist Church
Alimoso Lagos

Thursday 19 July 2012

I. The choice to succeed or prosper in life is in the hands of individual. You can choose to prosper and you can choose not to prosper. Prosperity can not be imposed on anyone by another but can be chosen. The Lord says, "Behold, I lay before you blessings and curses, prosperity and poverty, choose whichever you want."

There are Biblical principles to follow as you make your choice to prosper in life. Before I share these principles take these.
Giving is a form of sacrifice which is an exchange of values. Therefore, whenever you give, you only exchange values. Once you give to God either through tithe, the poor or men of God you are exchanging values with God. You offer what you think is best and he gives better things.

1. Pay your Tithe
2. Give to others
3. Get Wisdom
Pay your Tithe: a way to honour God is giving 1/10 of whatever you possess. It is a voluntary responsibility to participate or contribute to kingdom growth. A church with tithe defaulters is a den of the poor. They are always in lacks and disappointment. Prov 3:9-10; Mal. 3:10-11.
Give to your God's servants and the poor. Paul was responding to the way brethren in Philippi gave to him in 4:19:15. NASB. The Lord’s Principle is give and you shall be given. Luke 6:38. Don’t give anyhow. Give cheerfully. 2Cor. 9:6, Prov. 11:24,25, 2Cor. 8:15.
You need wisdom to prosper. Prov3:13-16; 14:24. Wisdom is the principal thing. You have to be creative and know what to offer to your society in a way different from every other person.

Friday 13 July 2012

Nigeria Needs Deliverance from Demon Crazy

The poverty level in the country is getting worse every day. Unemployment of graduates is on the increase with manipulations of those so called political staff. Our nation Nigeria needs deliverance from demon crazy leaders both in religious and political spheres. There are so called religious leaders who might have lost the original focus to their belly. They are cap in hand before politicians for fund raising to build world class structures for worship. Politicians go for rituals and thugs in order to get to office. The present shaking in the high places will continue as the Lord lives until there is a cleansing of the ruling bodies while the rights of the masses restored. Then the dignity of our nation will be restored and the religious houses become refuge for captives and strongholds for the righteous.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Living by the Spirit

Living by the Spirit is depending moment by moment on the power of the Spirit to overcome our own inadequacy. Christians need to realize that within them is the omnipotence of God and that there is no problem that God cannot solve. Accordingly, the life of victory is a life of faith as we live day by day, relying on the Holy Spirit to give us power to serve the Lord effectively.

Monday 2 July 2012

Breaking Demonic Legal Rights


Demonic legal rights are strongholds that allow and sustain the operations of Satan and his demons in the life of any person. They begin as footholds before graduating into strongholds. It starts when the enemy tempts us to think the wrong thing, once we accept it; it opens the door for the enemy to move in further. Eventually it generates several results that are more painful and most time persistent. Therefore, you need to break the satanic legal rights in order to soar with wings as eagles...