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Thursday 19 July 2012

I. The choice to succeed or prosper in life is in the hands of individual. You can choose to prosper and you can choose not to prosper. Prosperity can not be imposed on anyone by another but can be chosen. The Lord says, "Behold, I lay before you blessings and curses, prosperity and poverty, choose whichever you want."

There are Biblical principles to follow as you make your choice to prosper in life. Before I share these principles take these.
Giving is a form of sacrifice which is an exchange of values. Therefore, whenever you give, you only exchange values. Once you give to God either through tithe, the poor or men of God you are exchanging values with God. You offer what you think is best and he gives better things.

1. Pay your Tithe
2. Give to others
3. Get Wisdom
Pay your Tithe: a way to honour God is giving 1/10 of whatever you possess. It is a voluntary responsibility to participate or contribute to kingdom growth. A church with tithe defaulters is a den of the poor. They are always in lacks and disappointment. Prov 3:9-10; Mal. 3:10-11.
Give to your God's servants and the poor. Paul was responding to the way brethren in Philippi gave to him in 4:19:15. NASB. The Lord’s Principle is give and you shall be given. Luke 6:38. Don’t give anyhow. Give cheerfully. 2Cor. 9:6, Prov. 11:24,25, 2Cor. 8:15.
You need wisdom to prosper. Prov3:13-16; 14:24. Wisdom is the principal thing. You have to be creative and know what to offer to your society in a way different from every other person.

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