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Friday 11 April 2014

When God Doesn't Make Sense

The will of God concerning His children is to live in joy and peace with Him all the days of our life. He made adequate provisions for that. He has the capacity to make the world free of pain and sorrow. . However, many do not realize that the will of God is not without the storm of life. There are philosophers who consider God incapacitated by the troubles of this world. In their terrible imagination, they think has lost control of the world He created. 
You may be walking in dark hours of your life and wondering where Jesus is. You may be facing some of the darkest days of your life right now. Let me remind you that our God is ever with you, He promised Abraham that he would be father of nations, yet the wife was going about barren. Abraham still believed God and at the end his miracle came. The Word of God says, "For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing." 1Peter 3: 17. 
Have you not heard people saying "But I prayed, my pastor,  peophet and children of God confirmed that my spouse was the will of God for me in marriage; therefore why all these troubles that we go through today?" Some people abandoned the so called will of God and found alternatives forgetting that the will of God is not without the storm of life.  Do you know that the bitter trials in which you found yourself is a blessing in disguise. Everything that God allows to come our way is always with a purpose. He uses even the greatest error and deepest
pain to mold us into a better person. Remember, the will of God is not without storm of life. 
 While you are in the midst of the storm of life thinking Jesus has abandoned you, remember that the will of God is not without the storm of life. Also, you must know this second truth when God doesn't make sense, the way of God to triumph is not always reasonable. Many will want to know why is the bush burning and is not consumed. This is what is called wanders and miracle. The way of God is mysterious and can not be fully comprehended. It can only be revealed. "And he made known his ways unto Moses and His ways
unto the children of Israel."' God made known his ways unto Moses and then God made known His acts unto the children of Israel. He will reveal the way to triumph over your storms and show His works in your life in Jesus name. 
You may not need to know how He will do it but trust Him and see His wonders. That was Moses desire and prayer -to know the way of God to the promised land. He says, "And Moses said unto the Lord, See,
thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt sent with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight. Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way," Exodus 33:12. If God wants you to carry out an instruction, He has prepared all it takes for you tp accomplish it. You may not be able to calculate in perfect terms how it will be done but surely you can reach the promised land as you yield to His leading. 

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