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Saturday 7 June 2014

The Power of His Word

Today we shall consider an important subject which has to do with the final authority of our faith. This is a subject that gives flesh to our belief and without which no man shall prosper. Joshua 1: 8; Psalm 1: 1-4; 2Timothy 3: 16-17. Many problems faced by the church and as individual has to do with the premium we placed on the word of God. Have you asked yourself this question, “When last did I study the Word of God?”
As we are looking into the Power of His Word, I pray that the Holy Spirit will open our understanding and grant us a revelation which will take us to the next level in Jesus name. There are three basic things which the word of God does which we have to study today.
1. The Word Produces Faith:- Romans 10: 17. We believe so strongly in the words we hear from friends, public discuss, soothsayers on the street, on the Television or read from the Newspapers more than the Bible. This is a major reason why we live in fear and perplexities because, those words we listen to or read do not just encourage us. Most news we hear or read are bad news. Some genwrate suspicion and fear in us. We must transfer such curiosity and interest to the Word of God. The Bible says, “Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God” Romans 10: 17.
Through the word of God, your eyes of understading is enlightened giving rise to faith inside you. That is why you need to give much time to reading, hearing and studying the Word of God. Faith is active when the word of God gives revelations to our spirit.
2. The Word Consumes Like Fire:- Jeremiah 23: 29, 20: 9. The Word of God performs certain functions in our life that makes it look like fire. We are like gold in the presence of the Word that melts our life and mould us. It is often related to the purification of gold.  Gold cannot be purified without fire, for in that state of liquid can the impurities be removed.  God's word is like a fire that melts our heart (Hebrew term for the inward man) so the impurities (sin) can be removed (washed away with the blood of Jesus). The hammer is symbolic of our hard heart being broken into small parts so the fire has a greater chance of melting our wicked way or sin and giving us a purification that only God can provide. It is like a refiner's fire, hot but does not destroy.
3. The Word Became Flesh:- John 1: 1- 5. 1. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh. He has all authority in heaven and on earth. Through Him our life can be transformed. The Bible is active because it is all about Jesus Christ.  As our text reminds us, Jesus is the Word made flesh. That's why we can believe God's Word through faith! Because there is power and authority in Jesus, in His name, in His blood, then there is power in God's holy Word also!
Rev’d G. S. Adeyemo
 The Senior Pastor
Christ Baptist Church Alimoso Lagos Nigeria.
Preached on 8/6/2014

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