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Thursday 13 October 2016

Serving for Glorious Turnaround

For every Christian, service should be the heart of our life.   I have heard on several occasions that we should appeal to our fathers in the Lord-pastors to make members perform. In other words, if the church is not growing, it is the fault of the Pastor. If any Ministry of the Church is not viable the Pastor is to blame. Pastors on the other hands blame the members for not responding well to teachings and instructions from the Pastors. The truth is that everyone is expected to play his or her roles in order to fulfill our mandate. The success of one is the success of all and the failure of one is the failure of all. 
The old comparison between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea is still true. Galilee is a lake full of life because it takes in water but also gives it out. In the contrary, nothing lives in the Dead Sea because; it never flows out while taking in waters. There is glorious turnaround if your life constantly and consistently releases whatever gift you have received. The Scripture says, “Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God.  But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.” Hebrews 6: 7 and 8 we cannot claim to be blessed when no one is blessed through us. As we grow in Christ, so also we must be ready to serve. 
Service Leads to Profit: when you're committed to serving God through serving people through your work, the Lord Himself will be ready to open doors for your success and prosperity. If you faithfully render services, you will definitely prosper. The reason why many businesses fail is because the owners are so mindful of monetary gain. We are after profits not after service to the people.  Any Government that is after tax tax without service to humanity will eventually fail and be humiliated. Beloved be ready to look after others. 
What often happens in the local church is that ministry becomes institutionalized instead of being personalized. In other words, “having a ministry” comes to mean, “I serve on the board of elders,” or on the budget committee, or “I teach Sunday School.” All these are important ministries, of course. I'm not belittling them. But it's possible to keep the institution rolling along, but to miss the heart of ministry, which is building into the lives of people. I read of a new Christian who was leading a number of his friends to Christ and seeing them begin to grow in Christ. But the people in his church were encouraging him to become one of the sponsors of the high school youth group so that he could have a ministry! Many who claim to have ministries today would have better be in a church functioning to affect lives for the growth of the Church and the kingdom of God at large. But they felt, the gift manifesting in their lives means they should go out to start their own ministry. The purpose of God for every gift is to meet others needs thereby integrating them in the body of Christ. Let your life and faith affect other people’s life and as you do that you will experience glorious turnaround spiritually, numerically and materially. Remain blessed in Jesus name

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