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Monday 1 October 2018


Rev'd G. S. Adeyemo

"The road to successful and a happy home is always under construction, only homes built in the Lord can build a healthy Church."

A. Definition of terms
Healthy: Merriam Webster -healthy, sound, wholesome, robust, hale, well mean enjoying or indicative of good health. Healthy implies full strength and vigor as well as freedom from signs of disease. A healthy family sound emphasizes the absence of disease, weakness, or malfunction. Healthy is the state of being in good condition physically, mentally and spiritually.  
Home/Marriage: - the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. The home comprises of a father, mother and children. It is an extension of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Church: - The word "Church" in general term means, ‘gathering or assembly, a family object, or a political, or a social, or a religious object. However, in the New Testament, the Church is the body of believers in Christ.  Those who gather together in worship of God based on the testimony of salvation through Jesus Christ –the Author and Finisher of our faith. Jesus said, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.” Hebrews 10: 24, 25; Col. 3: 16; Eph. 4: 11-34; Acts 2: 42;
B. God’s Original Purpose: -The home was created as an extension of God’s Kingdom on earth. So, the first family in the Garden of Eden formed the first Church. That original purpose has not changed till today. Though the first family in the church rebelled against the will of God thereby bruised the relationship between God and man yet; God used the home for His redemptive plan. If the Church today will be healthy, the home as the first constituency of the Church must be healthy. Healthy Homes Build Healthy Church.
C. A Healthy Home Forms a Healthy Church: -Doug Patch says, “Home ministry is the God-given role we have as husbands or wives to love our spouses as God loves us. If we are parents, it includes our role to love and raise our children according to His truth.” The road to successful and a happy home is always under construction, only homes built in the Lord can build a healthy Church.
D. Marks of a Healthy Home 1 Corinthians 16: 19
1. It is a home built upon the Rock Matthew 7:24-27, 21:42; Mark 12:10; 1Peter 2: 7; Isaiah 8: 14; 1 Corinthians 10: 4
2. It is a home where the word of God has final authority Deuteronomy 6: 6-7; Genesis 18: 16-19
3. It is a forgiving family 1 Peter 3: 7-9
4. A home of hospitality 4: 6-10; Romans 12: 13; 1 Peter 4: 9; 1 Timothy 3: 2;  Titus 1: 8; Hebrews 13: 2
5. A potential church 
a. Place of prayer
b. Bible study center
c. Mission and evangelism arena
d. Open for fellowship

E. Home versus Church: - whatever affects the homes affects the church. Economy, moral decadence, religious inconsistency, broken homes, 
Challenges of Some Patriarchal Ideologies
Man is the breadwinner in the home. 
The father is the disciplinarian in the family.
Husband is the head of the house
The husband has the final say
The wife is the homemaker in marriage
Children are the heritage of their father
The wife must dress to please her husband
The wife must always cooperate with husband on sex

Sometimes, we think outward behaviours and modifications will result in healthy and happy marriage. These may not bring the desired bliss into the home outside God. The Bible says, "Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Psalms 127:1(KJV) The word bayith (house) in Hebrew is not infrastructure but family, home, marriage. 
Mention some of the outward behaviours spouses demand for in marriage
F. Prescriptions for Building a Healthy Marriage
Love the Lord with all your life
Lift up your spouse to God in prayer daily
Look beyond the imperfections in your spouse.
Learn to prepare delicious food for the family
 Husband must learn how to commend and encourage his wife
 Support her vision. Don't tear down every suggestion of your wife
 Avoid too know syndrome
 Prepare for and manage your disagreement very well 1Peter 3:1-6
 Satisfy one another with sex 1Corinthians 7:5
Write 10 things you will do to make your spouse happy for life. Submit the assignment to your spouse for marking. Thank you and God bless you in Jesus name.


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