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Tuesday 11 October 2022


Rev'd G. S. Adeyemo
Coming with Divine visitation are deliverance and celebration. Those are the proofs of God’s presence in the life of any man or woman. The mercy of God manifests in divine visitation beyond any human reasoning. When God visits you, everything about you changes for better. God visited Sarah and her story turns around to glory. When you experience divine visitation, your pains turn to gains. I declare that your life and destiny receive divine visitation today in Jesus name. Let us examine what you should expect as the LORD visits you this week 
  1 Reconstruction: Divine visitation can bring about reconstruction; turning desert to land flowing with milk and honey. Jeremiah 4:23-24, Divine visitation turns wilderness, barren land to a fruitful place. 
  2. Restoration: Divine visitation brings back lost glory, joy and every good thing you have lost in the past. Acts 3: 21 says, “Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.” Also, Amos 9:14; Isaiah 61:7; Jeremiah 30: 17 The Bible says, After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before” Job 42: 10. 
  3. Rejuvenation: Divine visitation is the answer to every form of frustration and stagnation in your life. After resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and hope was rejuvenated. There was great excitement and celebration. For you to provoke divine visitation, purge your heart of all bitterness, learn to pray fervently and praise God profusely. In doing this, your life shall never remain the same in Jesus name

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