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Friday 28 March 2014

It Is Not Over Yet

"Be careful for  nothing; but in every thing by prayer and  supplication with thanksgiving let your  requests be made known unto God." Philippians 4:6

The word 'careful' caught my attention while meditating in the passage quoted here. It means do not allow anything to arrest your mind. An online Dictionary defined it this way, "Making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious." Another one says "Acting or working in a thoughtful, painstaking way;..." Apostle Paul writing from proson encouraging those Christians in Philipi not to run away from persecution and afflictions that might come their way as a result of commitment to Christ.
Giving much attention to what you can not have will prevent manifestation of greater and better future. Beware of your mountains. They are not bigger than our God. He is merciful loving and caring. He has prepared better things for you. The devil or doctors may say your situation is hopless. Dont quit, God is faithful, He will turn atpund the tide and grant you peace in Jesus name. The bruises on the wrists and ankles pf Paul, the inconveniences around him in prison could not push him to be sorrowing. He was sure of greater glory ahead. He says, "For I reckon that  the sufferings of this present time are not  worthy to be compared with the glory  which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8: 18. You will shine again in Jesus name.
Seven Things to Keep You on Course
Stop paying much attention to your situations. Isaiah 43: 18-19; Hebrews 12: 2.
Sing praises from your heart
Stay around vision helpers not discouragers
Sow an uncommon seed
Study God's promises to apply to your situation.
Sanctify yourself for the use  of God.
Seek the will of God through prayer.

As you are doing these things, the Lord will perform uncommon wonders in your life in Jesus name.

Friday 21 March 2014

Tapping into God's Resources

For every location there are allocations. If you are in the right location, your allocations will definitely locate you. No matter what is the situation around you, if you are in the right location, nothing can stop your allocations.
David was where God and his parents wanted him to be at a point in time. Right in the bush amidst the animals, God visited him and brought him to the palace. Instead of grumbling about your environment or business ordeal, why cant you approach God to find out if you are in the right location. if not, ask God to relocate you. Psalm 78: 70.
This is the second thing that helped David actualized his destiny. In 1Samuel 17: 34, he recounted before Saul;
“Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock:” Also, 1Chr 17: 7.
Wherever you are all the lions threatening you shall be torn into pieces in Jesus name.
The truth about your location is that God has an assignment for you. For every assignment, there are consignments. There may be storm and temptations. Stand firm, your consignment is underway.
May the Lord endues you with the power to endure to your day of glorification in Jesus’ name three things to usher in your allocations is:
1. Patience
2. Power
3. Prayer
 Remain blessed as you tap into the power of God through prayer and patience in Jesus name.

Renew Our Days As of Old

“Because of Mount Zion which lies desolate….Restore us to Thee, O LORD, that we may be restored. Renew our days as of old” (Lamentations 5:18a, 21).

Welcome to a new year in our life. Welcome to a new century in our national history; a new century in our denominational cooperative endeavour. It is a year of celebrations. It is year of reflection and a year of rejuvenation. I declare unto you a year of Restoration of lost glory in Jesus name. Obadiah 17 says, "But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance."
You shall recover spiritually, financially, physically and in all aspects of your life in Jesus name

One of the greatest favour mankind has with God is the opportunity to start all over. Angels don't have that privilege. The Bible says,
" And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation,
he hath reserved in everlasting chains
under darkness unto the judgment of the
great day." Jude 6.
Since God is interested in our salvation rather than damnation, He gives several opportunities to retrace our ways and turn to Him for help. The only danger in this freedom is our inability to know when the door of such opportunities closes. Hence, we must seize them whenever they come.

For over hundred years our country moves from glory to stories but this year God will restore our fortunes.
What of our churches? You remember the disciplined sacrificial missionaries who defiled Dark Continent's woes because of passion for souls? Today it's fashion without passion. Civilization without revelations. Education without inspiration. Oh Lord, renew our days as of old.
May we pastors, prophets, evangelists, workers in the vineyard catch the flame of the Holy Ghost as of the days of Isaiah in his 6th chapter of his book. Lord, rescue us from the grip of worldliness, carnality and desolation in churches and renew our days in Jesus name.
Follow Up Actions:-
Humble yourself in the surgical room of God 2Cor. 13: 5; Heb. 4:12
Be ready to let go all hindrances Heb. 12: 1-4.
Cry to God in prayer for intervention Lam. 5: 21; Isa. 6: 1-6.
As you do so, the Lord will renew and restore your glory in Jesus name.