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Friday 21 March 2014

Renew Our Days As of Old

“Because of Mount Zion which lies desolate….Restore us to Thee, O LORD, that we may be restored. Renew our days as of old” (Lamentations 5:18a, 21).

Welcome to a new year in our life. Welcome to a new century in our national history; a new century in our denominational cooperative endeavour. It is a year of celebrations. It is year of reflection and a year of rejuvenation. I declare unto you a year of Restoration of lost glory in Jesus name. Obadiah 17 says, "But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance."
You shall recover spiritually, financially, physically and in all aspects of your life in Jesus name

One of the greatest favour mankind has with God is the opportunity to start all over. Angels don't have that privilege. The Bible says,
" And the angels which kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation,
he hath reserved in everlasting chains
under darkness unto the judgment of the
great day." Jude 6.
Since God is interested in our salvation rather than damnation, He gives several opportunities to retrace our ways and turn to Him for help. The only danger in this freedom is our inability to know when the door of such opportunities closes. Hence, we must seize them whenever they come.

For over hundred years our country moves from glory to stories but this year God will restore our fortunes.
What of our churches? You remember the disciplined sacrificial missionaries who defiled Dark Continent's woes because of passion for souls? Today it's fashion without passion. Civilization without revelations. Education without inspiration. Oh Lord, renew our days as of old.
May we pastors, prophets, evangelists, workers in the vineyard catch the flame of the Holy Ghost as of the days of Isaiah in his 6th chapter of his book. Lord, rescue us from the grip of worldliness, carnality and desolation in churches and renew our days in Jesus name.
Follow Up Actions:-
Humble yourself in the surgical room of God 2Cor. 13: 5; Heb. 4:12
Be ready to let go all hindrances Heb. 12: 1-4.
Cry to God in prayer for intervention Lam. 5: 21; Isa. 6: 1-6.
As you do so, the Lord will renew and restore your glory in Jesus name.

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