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Friday 28 March 2014

It Is Not Over Yet

"Be careful for  nothing; but in every thing by prayer and  supplication with thanksgiving let your  requests be made known unto God." Philippians 4:6

The word 'careful' caught my attention while meditating in the passage quoted here. It means do not allow anything to arrest your mind. An online Dictionary defined it this way, "Making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious." Another one says "Acting or working in a thoughtful, painstaking way;..." Apostle Paul writing from proson encouraging those Christians in Philipi not to run away from persecution and afflictions that might come their way as a result of commitment to Christ.
Giving much attention to what you can not have will prevent manifestation of greater and better future. Beware of your mountains. They are not bigger than our God. He is merciful loving and caring. He has prepared better things for you. The devil or doctors may say your situation is hopless. Dont quit, God is faithful, He will turn atpund the tide and grant you peace in Jesus name. The bruises on the wrists and ankles pf Paul, the inconveniences around him in prison could not push him to be sorrowing. He was sure of greater glory ahead. He says, "For I reckon that  the sufferings of this present time are not  worthy to be compared with the glory  which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8: 18. You will shine again in Jesus name.
Seven Things to Keep You on Course
Stop paying much attention to your situations. Isaiah 43: 18-19; Hebrews 12: 2.
Sing praises from your heart
Stay around vision helpers not discouragers
Sow an uncommon seed
Study God's promises to apply to your situation.
Sanctify yourself for the use  of God.
Seek the will of God through prayer.

As you are doing these things, the Lord will perform uncommon wonders in your life in Jesus name.

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