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Monday 15 February 2016

Characteristics of Acceptable Prayer

1. It proceeds from sincere heart. God wants our prayer to be sincere and fervent.  Heb 10:22, 1Tim1:5, 2Cor.8:8; Eph.6:24; Josh.24:14, 2Cor.1:12,2:17;
2. It comes out of faith. Mark 11:24; Jam 5:15; 2Chro 20:20; Isa 7:9, Heb 2:4; Matt 9:29,17:20, Luke 17:6, Acts 14:22,16:5; Rom1:17,10:6,17;  2Cor 5:7.
3. It is bone out of hunger for God’s kingdom to be established here on earth. Isaiah 6:1-6,7; Matt. 5:3-6; Rom 10:1-4; Phil1:9-11; Eph 1:16-23
4. Another vital characteristic of acceptable prayer is humble spirit. 1Pet 5:6; Pro 3:34; 2kings 22:19; 2Chro 7:14; 12:7,  12; Psalm 10:17 ,29:23; Matt 18:4,23:12, Luke 18:14, James 4:6.
5. The fifth characteristic is importunity. We must take prayer as a matter of urgency. Pray without ceasing and start now.
We pray fervently and with deep concern about lost souls and the dark world in general. Luke 18:1-5; Matt 7:7;
We see how Jacob wrestled with God all might till he was blessed. Gen 32:24-25. John Kmox said, “Give me Scotland or I die”. 
6. Another characteristic is a loving heart. Mutual Communication on a regular basis is a product of close relationship in Love. John 15:13, 14-15.
Prayer is more than saying the right words. It goes beyond the physical demonstrations that have characterized our prayers today. Prayer involves the right attitude within and without before the Lord.
Anyone coming to the presence of God in prayer must be conscious of the mercy of God to deal with his or her inadequacies. Our inadequacies and sinfulness are dealt with through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
We must reciprocate His Love for us.
To love God is to hunger and desire His will to be rooted in our lives and world. 
We desire his Word and grace to confront the World’s challenges. Psalm 42:1; 1John 5:3; Matt 22:36-37; John 14:15;
“No one should be satisfied with a mediocre, barely-get-along kind of life.” Love for God results in obeying the Word of God. We must make in commitment to be responsive to the will of God as commanded in his Word and impress upon our heart by the Holy Spirit.

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