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Thursday 11 February 2016

God Can Be Trusted

In 2Thesalonians 3: 1-3, it is obvious that God can be trusted in terms of his promises and covenant.  “God is faithful,” He can be counted on the stand by His Word. Paul reminds the people in Thessalonica that God “will stablish you and keep you from evil.” The word “stablish” has the idea of “ making stable, placing firmly, setting fast.” It means that God will “strengthen them and cause them to become constant in their lives and confirmed in their mind.” everything needed to be stable in life shall be given to the people of God. It shall be given to you.
You must trust him for your miracle and do those terms of the covenant. Offer him a unique offering as Noah, Abraham, David and Jesus did. You shall be richly blessed in Jesus name. 
Many people believe ember months as we call the last four months of every year are dangerous. But i can assure you of the mercy of God to go through without any regret. The blood of Jesus Christ is a token of covenant of peace, life and prosperity. You are secured by the blood of Jesus. No evil will come near you in Jesus name.

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