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Thursday 5 May 2016


 Rev'd G. S. Adeyemo
The power of covenant or oath is so strong. It is capable of making you to succeed where others are failing, keep you in health while others are in sickness; in prosperity while people around you are languishing in abject poverty, gives you sweat less triumph while others are struggling with issues of life and living in defeat. God told Isaac to stay in the land, do not go to Egypt, I will perform my oath or fulfill my agreement with you as I promised your father. God’s promise to Abraham was re-enacted and revived in Isaac that, He shall be the a great nation, he shall be blessed, his name shall be great; he shall be a blessing, those who bless you shall be blessed;
God will curse him who curses Isaac; In Isaac shall all his family and other families of the earth be blessed. These blessings were released to Isaac (biological descendants and Israel till today). Through Christ Jesus our Lord everyone who believes God has been brought into covenant blessing of Abraham and everything God did in the biological Isaac, He is committed to do and even do much more for you and me that have been redeemed and purchased by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us for it is written “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith. If you are a child of God, a true believer born of water and of the Spirit of the Living God, I can assure you that through faith in God and patience you will receive what God has promised father Abraham through Christ Jesus, you are under the covenant of life, power, prosperity, health, royalty and priesthood. Remain blessed in Jesus name. 
After reading this message, take time to claim the following promises;
  "The Lord shalt increase your greatness, and comfort you on every side." Psl. 71:21.  
  I prophesy into your life and family that exceeding great success with divine favour be your portions now and always in Jesus name.  .
  "And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great:" Gen. 26: 13. This shall be your portion in Jesus name.  
  Give God quality praise for He loves you, protects, provides, cares and will satisfy your desires to the utmost in Jesus name.  
 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy  and peace in believing, that ye may  abound in hope, through the power of the  Holy Ghost. Romans 15: 13.  
  Rejoice in the Lord for He shall surely raise helps and keep you from failure in Jesus name. Shalom
  For the angels of the Lord surround you, no weapon fashion against you shall hurt you in Jesus name. Those to bless you shall locate you today hold your peace
  The God who turns around all situations is by you to turn your grief to joy, failure to success, darkness to light, good dreams to realities, pains to gain in Jesus name. Isaiah 43: 18,19. Shalom

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