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Wednesday 30 November 2016

Good News of Great Joy

As we come together on the first Sunday of the month of December, and we are preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, I feel compelled by the Spirit of God to lead our thought on the message of the angels to the shepherds: “An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:9-11). 
Do you remember how you jumped shouted and danced around when you received an alert from your Bank credited by your Employer who owed you eleven months salary? This time it comes with promotion and incentives you never expected. You just couldn’t wait to get home, to find that friend or loved one, and blurt out the good news? You burst through the door, a big grin on your face, and you said: “guess what!” I declare this day; you shall receive great news of joy for your family to celebrate in Jesus name. Joy erupted in heaven and the overflow engulfed the earth so powerfully that the shepherd in the filled was terrified. Bu the angels said, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people…” 
It is no more a news that life in Lagos and Nigeria at large is not just easy. The country is in full blown recession and cost of living is attaining unimaginable height. a bag of rice during same period last year was just 7,000 but today its 22,000 while minimum wage of workers remain ₦18,000. Industries are laying off workers while some are relocating to nearby countries due to difficulty in doing business. There is security challenges everywhere and church attendance dwindling. There are the struggles, difficulties, pains, untimely death, etc. Sometimes we even feel the pain more severely during the Christmas season. Expectations are dashed while frustration and depression set in. I have a message of hope from the throne of grace you, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2: 14. The favor of the Lord which passes the political favoritism rests on you for hope and breakthrough in Jesus name.
Sometimes we fail to differentiate between happiness and joy. Happiness results from situations when we get our salary, or get a bonus, or when we are out with friends, or when we go on holiday. We feel happy when we can enjoy good food or drinks. But feelings of happiness come and go.  And sometimes happiness turns to disappointment especially when the source of happiness exhaust like the wine in Cana of Galilee during wedding. This is not so with joy which is far deeper than happiness. It does not depend upon the circumstances or the situation. Stop depending on mundane things for happiness and turn to the person who is able to fill you with joy. Psalm 43:4; Psalm 16:11; Psalm 98:4; Isaiah 35:10; John 15:11; Acts 13:52; Galatians 5:22
Lord I thank you for releasing your Son Jesus Christ to the World especially me
I thank you Lord for divine favour received through Jesus Christ
I renounce every burden of sin and Satan that is hindering my joy in Jesus name
O Lord; arise and break all yokes of sadness in my life in Jesus name
I surrender my worries and burdens to you Lord. Lift up my head for greater testimonies in Jesus name
Every agent of sad news turn away from me in Jesus name
Lord; visit me with unprecedented breakthrough in Jesus name

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