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Saturday 24 December 2016


It is time to catch up with the Star. As long as you stay with your Herod, you can’t enjoy the leading of God and cannot experience fulfillment. The Word of God says, “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” When they lost sight of the star, joy eluded their heart and life. Herod was in charge of their destiny, searching records and dictating their move without joy. However, when they catch up with the Star, they were overjoyed. 
Stars are proof of God. Psalm 148:2-4 says, “Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his armies! Praise him, sun and moon;praise him, all you shining stars.  Praise him, you heaven of heavens, and you waters above the heavens.”This verse shows the importance attached to stars. Throughout history stars have been used as navigational tools.  Stars are not meant for astrology, which is sinful. Worshiping stars has always been sinful.  “And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars all the heavenly array do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven” Deuteronomy 4:19; Isaiah 47: 13, 14; Deut. 8: 10 -14. 
Our major focus is on the Star the Wiseman saw from the East. These men are called wise for they stayed on course and did not turn back or turn aside.  There were other bodies of light shinning and attracting attention out there.  We have Actors, Athletes, Politicians, Boyfriends (girlfriends), the Rich, materialism, and fame which can easily enter into our focus. The Wisemen remain wise when they never allowed any of those mundane things won their attention.
The moment they entered into politics to seek the star, they lost focus, peace, direction and entered into the hands of murderous king. Sometimes our curiosity or adventure lead us into a little sideline investigating which we assume will not hurt anything. However, before you know it, we lost sight of the "True Star" 2 Co. 11:14 says, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”Today, whatever might have tilted you away from the divine order of your destiny shall die in Jesus name.
How do you catch up with the star so that your joy may overflow?
Depart from your Herod
Discover the true Star
Determine to follow the Star
As you take these steps, you will locate and catch up with the Star and the Lord will restore your joy in Jesus name
*Every demonic herod that holds down your destiny shall die in Jesus name
*The evil intentions of your adversaries shall fail in Jesus name
*The messengers of evil pursuing your star shall never prevail in Jesus name
*Your record of greatness in the hands of your herod is taken by force in Jesus name
*You are set free from your destiny wasters in Jesus name
*Arise and advance to greater exploits in Jesus name
*You shall fulfil your divine purpose in life in Jesus name
*By divine command i declare doors of progress and greatness open to you in Jesus name

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