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Thursday 29 December 2016


" And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 11: 32
“When one door closes, another opens: but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." As the door of 2016 closes, it is time to come to reality of 2017 which is another opened door for greater exploits. Stop regretting what you could not accomplish in the past year for here comes another opportunity to unlock an unhindered door into a greater and better future. Whatever door that you missed in the previous twelve months, I am glad to declare to you that another door for better job, better sales, better contract, better manifestation of the power of God in your life in the name of Jesus Christ. 
Advancing is a word coined from the word advancement. It means “the process of promoting a cause or plan.” It is a forward movement or progress, especially when things are slow or difficult. However you are making headway. No matter how biting is the recession progression shall be your portion in Jesus name. Advancement connotes transformation, it entails changes and progress. You will make a difference in this year in Jesus name. God is not interested in stagnancy but advancement of His children. As children of God we cannot rest on our oar and be contented in the past achievements just to sit back and do business as usual. Do not be paralyzed by past defeats, loses, and pains. We are to move forward in faith personally and corporately as people of God. The Lord told the Israelite in the wilderness, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelite to move on. Exodus 14: 15; Hebrews 6: 1
Marching into the New Year goes beyond resolutions; it takes faith that looks forward. You must begin to see what you desire to achieve. Those that are concentrating on what they failed to achieve cannot be greater than their past. Stop looking on your past failures, agonies and loses. “Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.”  
Faith has eyes to discern and discover what logic cannot fathom. When all human wisdom fail you, faith alone can be the catalyst that will turn around the situations. You must activate your faith sense in order to break even. No matter how great is your achievement now it is not enough. Look forward to the greater and better days ahead. Some of us had written off your leaders in the country. 

Insight for Application
How can you advance with greater exploit?
1. Persist in Prayers: - Daniel was persistent in prayer and he experienced God in a way no one among the previous Prophets ever done. 
2. Be filled with Power: - Jesus was advancing in the wisdom and power of God. He did greater exploits than the Pharisees and Sadducee. Matthew 2: 52; Acts 10: 38
3. Keep looking forward in faith to greater exploits: - it takes the eyes of faith to turn around hopeless situation to unprecedented breakthrough.

There cannot be alternative to your progress in the year. As you advance with greater exploits the Lord will release unto you the keys of the kingdom and whatsoever you decree shall be established in Jesus name. 

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