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Thursday 18 May 2017

Perseverance: A Price of Motherhood

I rejoice with our mothers on this year Mothers Day. It is a day for reflection and renewal of our journey with Christ. It is a day of rewarding commitment to the course of the Gospel. As we honour our mothers this month, we must know that it takes perseverance in the face of economic hardship to serve the Lord. 
Perseverance according to an online dictionary is "persistence and tenacity, the effort required to do something and keep doing it till the end, even if it's hard." Perseverance originally comes from the Latin 'perseverantia' and means to abide by something strictly. Making a mark on the sand of this world is a hard thing. It is a common saying that "To become a man is not a day job" In other words, success is never easy. Let us read from the Scripture "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12
Today, our world is full of trials and troubles militating against families and the society at large. Marriages are failing while some are selling their babies for food. Many husbands cannot provide for the families.  It is very important that we celebrate mothers who with all perseverance keep their home from collapse. Also we need to use this moment to pray and encourage those who are shrinking. If you ask every woman to write story of what they have gone through in the hands of men, I believe, volumes of books will be produced. A young girl told her mother "I will never marry because of how my Dad treats my Mum"the cruelty and humiliation she saw made her believed all men are wicked. 
As many of you women that are passing through difficulty in the hands of husbands the Lord will deliver you in Jesus name.  

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