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Sunday 1 October 2017

Heal Our Land Oh Lord

Today we don’t need any soothsayer to tell us our land is sick. Land is anywhere you can sow seed or invest in. Is our economy sick? What of our politics? Have you thought of the moral decadence in our children as madness and even in spiritual realm? Unemployment rate is unprecedented; mortality rate is alarming while we pay for what we did not buy everywhere. Consequently, we resort to fighting one another. We already focus on the problems more than the One who is able to heal us. We must be ready to return to our Creator to fix our land.
Let us read together: -
2 Chronicles 7: 14-15
14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. “
From the passage, there are four infections troubling our land just as the land of Israel was infested in the days of Solomon namely:
1. Lack of humility: People of God, let us examine ourselves and look around us today to see how arrogant and reckless people of all nations in depending upon technology and military capability.  North Korea versus United State of America, Russia versus Ukraine, Saudi Arabia versus Yemen, Boko Haram versus Nigeria etc. There is lack of humility in the Church of God too. Churches are proud of population, fat account, giant building and titles at the expense of the perishing souls. Heal our Land oh Lord from our madness and arrogance.
2. Prayerlessness is another ailment that is adversely affecting our land. There is much noise from our mouth when our heart is far from the throne of grace.  Jesus said, "'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me”  Matthew. 15:8;  Isaiah 15:8, 9; We ask amiss Jam. 4: James 4:3; we come to God’s presence with hands full of blood; Isaiah 1: 15. 59:3; our heart is reprobate on the mountain of the Lord Psalms 15, 24:3-6.  Are you spending quality time in the presence of God? Oh Lord heal our land from prayerlessness.
3. Lack of Commitment in seeking the Lord. This third sickness is killing the people of God today. We want to be healed and delivered but we fail to seek the face of the one that can truly and permanently heal us. This is exactly what these people of God are doing right now they are looking for healing in all of the wrong places.
4. Wickedness is another infection destroying our land. There is violence everywhere; religious, political ethnic and so on and so forth. People of God who are called by His name we must repent of hate speeches, racial discrimination and segregation.
We must come back to God with humble heart and prayer for healing. Let us turn away from all form of wickedness and love one another. Enough of selfishness, greed, oppression and corruption in government. The Bible says, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14: 34
Lawmakers should be humble and honest enough to be transparent in making laws that can improve the living standard of ordinary citizens. Let there be equity in ensuring the welfare of the land. As we all seek God with all our heart and strength, He will heal our land in Jesus name

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