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Saturday 21 October 2017

The Power and Wisdom in Church Music

"This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it" says, the Psalmist in Psalm 118:24. I rejoice with the Christ Baptist Church, Alimosho  Choirs on the occasion of this year Service of Songs. May you continue to wax stronger in the service of the Lord in Jesus name. Music is a lifewire of every worship. Show me a Church without music and i will show you a dead Church. However, we must know that acceptable music glorifies God and edifies men.
The Bible says, "And let the  peace of God rule in your hearts, to the  which also ye are called in one body; and  be ye thankful.
Let the word of Christ  dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching  and admonishing one another in psalms  and hymns and spiritual songs, singing  with grace in your hearts to the Lord." Colossians 3:15-16. A heart that mus glorify God and edify men must be ruled by the Peace of God. It is a heart that submits to the rule of God. In other words, you cannot make music that is accptable before God while you remain rebelious against Him. He demands reconciliation to Him before you minister to Him in music. Choir is not pressure group but levitical office to maintain peace with God and men.
The Music Ministry is also important in the Church life for teaching. Song service should educate to edify the audience. Through it, the weary souls are strengthened. No wonder, Jehoshaphat conquered nations in battle through the ministrations of his choir. Many people are in the choir who could be bored by the pastor's seemon but through the message from music, they are refreshed and strengthened.
People of God, let us participate in singing to the Lord. Be ready to give to the music ministry quality instruments for effective production. You will be richly blessed in Jesus name.
Happy Anniversary.

Listen to Reverend G. S. Adeyemo every Sunday  on Radio Lagos FM 107.5 @10:10pm

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