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Saturday 1 September 2018

A New Beginning

"The unchangeable Changer who owns your future will turn your pains to gain in Jesus name. It is not a matter of ability or background, our God is the great Potter, He will break everything needed to be broken and mold all that need to be molded for you to appear in greater glory"

Isaiah 43: 18&19                                         

Change they say is constant. The expectation of every man is to have a better chance. We want our today to be better than yesterday and tomorrow to be better than today. I declare unto you by the power in the name of Jesus Christ, that your expectations shall be fulfilled in Jesus name. Behold a better future in place of battered past. The unchangeable Changer who owns your future will turn your pains to gain in Jesus name. It is not a matter of ability or background, our God is the great Potter, He will break everything needed to be broken and mold all that need to be molded for you to appear in greater glory in Jesus name. The question is how can you have a new beginning in a world of uncertainties?
Facing the World of Uncertainties
Human beings are influenced mostly by what they see and hear. Whatever you devote your ear to hear has great impact on your mind as well as what you see. The eyes and our ears are gateway to our mind. If you always feed your mind with news of terrorism, disasters, unemployment, criticism, condemnation, threat, evil reports and doubts, the results you will get is no better than what occupy your mind. Isaiah 43: 18; Phil. 3: 11-13.
You may not be able to predict what happens in the next moment, however you can still be sure of better tomorrow. What you need is to concentrate on the certainty of God's Promises, the potency of Prayer and the efficacy of the Holy Spirit Power
The Keys to New Beginning in the World of Uncertainties
1. Trust in the Promises of God. The word of God is infallible. His promises cannot fail. The Bible says, "And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires." 2Pet. 1:4; Psl 105:42; 2Cor 1:20
2. Be Persistent in Prayer. Prayer deepens relationship with God when offered from pure heart and humility. It is a means of keeping God abreast of what you are going through and your expectations from Him. Though He is aware of your needs and willing to meet them according to His reaches in glory, God expects us to speak up. Isaiah 1:18; Matt. 7:7; John 16: 24-26; Luk. 18: 1-8.
3. Depend on the Holy Spirit Power. Human effort is limited while God's power through the Holy Spirit is absolute and unlimited. He is able to do all things.  He held the world together at the creation before God said, "Let there be light".
The Holy Spirit is believer's limitless resources through whom we draw all sufficiency. The Scripture says,  “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” “Out of his belly” refers to your innermost being. The Holy Spirit is your limitless resource, an everlasting fountain. All you will ever need will be completely fulfilled and satisfied by the Holy Spirit—every longing and every desire in your life. According to John 14:15-18, the Holy Spirit is our Parakletos—our Counselor, Comforter, and Helper! And He is with us forever. Without the Holy Spirit we would be as orphans with no one to care for us. But with Him, we have full provision!
I am inviting you to a new beginning through the power of the Holy Spirit as promised by God. You do that through prayer and keep praying in the spirit. Your life and all that concerns you will experience new beginning in Jesus name. Offer your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creature. 2 Cor. 5:17. New beginning begins inside you. May you be blessed as you do so in Jesus name

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