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Friday 30 March 2012

The Road To Glory

The road to success is always under construction. It takes commitment, patience hard work and prayer to accomplish the desired goal. It could be rough or rugged, steadily and surely you will get to the glorious point.
Jesus endured the pain, humiliation and death on the cross of Calvary, but on the third day HE ROSE! You will rise and remain great if you make Him the only link between you and the success. He is the Sustain-er of all that trust in Him. Remain blessed as you celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter in Jesus name.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


The Declaration of Liberation
The Lord declares the liberation of His people from the grip of the wicked king saying:  “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.  So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians..."   Exodus 3: 7-8. God is present there to rescue them. The Lord knows what you are going through and right in that situation He is saying I have come to rescue you. 
God can be trusted for his word. He is immutable and will not disappoint. 
I pray that you be free from the hand of your oppressors in Jesus name.

Monday 26 March 2012


Great Desire
The Lord said “I am concerned about their suffering.” The word concern means a feeling of compassion, sympathy, or regard for somebody or something. In other word God desires that a better life is a necessity. He is concerned about sinners in the hand of the devil, enslaved and afflicted. The king of Egypt –Pharaoh is devil incarnate. He knows the glorious future of the people of God, that was why he would not allow them to go. God said I am concerned about the suffering of my people.
When Jesus was going out of Jericho, He saw a blind man called Bathimeus, the blind man cried unto Him and He waited to attend to him. He will attend to you because He is already waiting for your cry to Him. 

Sunday 25 March 2012


Exodus 3: 7-10
Going through the passage, I discovered three things and we will deal with them in this message. They all point to the fact that God is merciful. Lord said, "I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. The children of Israel had been in slavery for over four hundred years. It was like they were forgotten by God who revealed Himself to Abraham their father and promised him that he Abraham will be a blessing to all other nations. They were wallowing in abject poverty, subjected to afflictions ridicule, in the hand of godless people. What a paradox! However God himself is now saying I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt.
PRAYER:-The Lord has just seen your misery in the land of pain and tears today. He will intervene in Jesus name.
to be continued 

Monday 19 March 2012


A prudent person will consider best option between present pleasures and future pleasures. You need to protect your interests as a prudent Christian in whatever you do or say. Manage your resources wisely godly and be accountable for your responsibilities. As a Christian, God has given you your talent, skills, senses and you have acquired knowledge through learning. All these are god-given assets. You need prudence to exploit them and prosper with them. 

Sunday 18 March 2012


3. Planning: subsequently to knowing why you exist why you want to do what you intend to do is planning. Planning gives value to your pursuits. It gives value to your time and resources.
He, who fails to plan, plans to fail. Proper planning prevents poor performance. Those who fail to plan can never be sufficient of anything. They run out of time money ideas and everything. Jesus once asked “who will want to build without counting then cost? Who will go to war without planning? You put together in systematic way (logical and strategic) way your purpose and intention. You may not know everything about what you intend to do hence you need counsels, divine guidance professional counsel and experienced hand to support. During Planning, prioritize your actions. Do first thing first in order of importance. Matthew 6:33
You may know how to pray and preach, teach Prophecy and also all sorts of religious activities, if you fail to plan, you are just becoming another prodigal child. The prodigal son asked for a portion of his father’s property -that is a prayerful child. The prayer was answered and he left the father and their vicinity to strange land. Brother or sister, what were you asking from God, Is it spiritual gifts or material blessing? You need to cultivate the habits of planning in order to excel.
Planning reduces risks and the impacts.
Write down your PURSPOSE
Write down your PROGRAMME
Write down the PROCESSES
Your purpose must be precise and clear. Habbkuk 3:1-3. The programme is the list of what you want to do one after the other. The process is what you will be doing and the way to do them. A process according to the Advanced Learners Dictionary is a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result. The prodigal son did not plan with the opportunities he had. He spent all he had in strange land. He became poor not for lack of resources, time or answered prayer. He had all what he needed to succeed in life except planning.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Purpose: Know what you intend to do why you want to do it. Jesus knew what he came to do Luke 4:18-19, Samson came to fulfill a purpose in life. Every one of us has a purpose in life -why do you exist why do you engage in that business? Why do you want to go for the course you enrolled for in the school? Many people suffer not because of witches or wizard but they failed to identify why they are doing what they are doing. Some are suffering because of wrong purpose. James 4:1-3; Eccl 3:1-5. God says I know my purpose Jer. 29:11.Sometimes people call it destiny. If you don’t know the purpose of where you are, you cannot perform

Friday 16 March 2012

Overcoming the Perils of Darkness

 The first danger of darkness is seen in Genesis 1:1, 2
 “In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
The earth became chaotic not because God created it as such. However, darkness came as the handiwork of the defeated Lucifer who was bent on destroying the creation. He surrounded the world with smog of disaster and blink future.  The earth was not at its best form that God created it to be. The glory deposited in the world could not manifest as the darkness was raging- proving to be in control. Things began to take proper shape when God said, let there be light and there was light.
The world system is highly deformed. It is crisis ridden because the power of darkness is still at work just the way it covered the surface of the deep in the beginning. No wonder the Bible says:
 “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Wherever darkness covers there is bound to be social, political natural and spiritual upheavals. Our country is in economic woes because corruption which is part of the works of darkness. Isaiah 60: 2-3
Many lives are disorganized as a result of the works of darkness. There is no clear vision of what the future holds due to the prevailing works of darkness around the globe. If your situation is likened to the above description, you need divine intervention for your destiny recovery and fulfillment.  I declare that your ways be brightened in Jesus name. Amen. 

Thursday 15 March 2012

The divine authority conferred in the man permits him to dictate the quality of his environment. He can make or mar the creation except by divine interruption. God deposited himself in the man and overlaid it with his glory. As a result we can relate to God who is spirit being and at the same time function as physical being relating to other creatures. You are so special to God and you cant afford to loose this prestigious status. You can achieve your precious desires without unleashing terror on others or using dubious means. Allow God to move you to the next level as you obey His word daily. You can get daily memory verse on the right margin of this blog. Remain blessed in Jesus name.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Our God is Sovereign. 
God holds the power to execute his will. This is something no man can do. The will and desires of man can fail but the desires of God and His will concerning you cannot change. The will of God could be seen in the creation. He created all things out of his volition. No one counseled him to begin the creation and no one constitute a committee to form his agenda. He commanded and it came to pass. No laboratory analysis or calculation for his creature. The word of God says “In the beginning God…” He alone created all that are visible and invisible. Have you discovered any will of God in His Word? Never doubt it, He will fulfil it in your life if you trust Him. Your situation may seem naughty and defile all human effort to reverse the negative trend. God is able to handle it and make you smile again.www.cbcalimoso.org