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Wednesday 14 March 2012

Our God is Sovereign. 
God holds the power to execute his will. This is something no man can do. The will and desires of man can fail but the desires of God and His will concerning you cannot change. The will of God could be seen in the creation. He created all things out of his volition. No one counseled him to begin the creation and no one constitute a committee to form his agenda. He commanded and it came to pass. No laboratory analysis or calculation for his creature. The word of God says “In the beginning God…” He alone created all that are visible and invisible. Have you discovered any will of God in His Word? Never doubt it, He will fulfil it in your life if you trust Him. Your situation may seem naughty and defile all human effort to reverse the negative trend. God is able to handle it and make you smile again.www.cbcalimoso.org

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