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Sunday 18 March 2012


3. Planning: subsequently to knowing why you exist why you want to do what you intend to do is planning. Planning gives value to your pursuits. It gives value to your time and resources.
He, who fails to plan, plans to fail. Proper planning prevents poor performance. Those who fail to plan can never be sufficient of anything. They run out of time money ideas and everything. Jesus once asked “who will want to build without counting then cost? Who will go to war without planning? You put together in systematic way (logical and strategic) way your purpose and intention. You may not know everything about what you intend to do hence you need counsels, divine guidance professional counsel and experienced hand to support. During Planning, prioritize your actions. Do first thing first in order of importance. Matthew 6:33
You may know how to pray and preach, teach Prophecy and also all sorts of religious activities, if you fail to plan, you are just becoming another prodigal child. The prodigal son asked for a portion of his father’s property -that is a prayerful child. The prayer was answered and he left the father and their vicinity to strange land. Brother or sister, what were you asking from God, Is it spiritual gifts or material blessing? You need to cultivate the habits of planning in order to excel.
Planning reduces risks and the impacts.
Write down your PURSPOSE
Write down your PROGRAMME
Write down the PROCESSES
Your purpose must be precise and clear. Habbkuk 3:1-3. The programme is the list of what you want to do one after the other. The process is what you will be doing and the way to do them. A process according to the Advanced Learners Dictionary is a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result. The prodigal son did not plan with the opportunities he had. He spent all he had in strange land. He became poor not for lack of resources, time or answered prayer. He had all what he needed to succeed in life except planning.

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