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Saturday 10 June 2017


An excerpt by the children in memory of our mother Pastor Mrs E. F. Adeyemo who passed on to glory on the 10th of June 2016
 I got home 5pm with a few food packs which would eventually cover my Lunch and dinner and probably breakfast Sunday morning at least I am sure now that by Monday evening my packages would be rolling in and my dreams come true, this time, I began to brag about the lodge about how my worries would come to an end soon, now, lodge members concluded I had won a huge lottery. My life was still filled with fun, foods and drinks from the party, gist and assignments to be done in progress until about 7pm when the call came in relaying the big news of an accident that occurred which involved my Dad's car containing one of my Aunts, a brother from church, Dad, Mom and my foodstuffs and it was a bit serious; the first question from me was “HOW IS DAD?” “He is fine currently receiving treatment” he replied abruptly “AND MOM?” I quizzed further “she is also here in the hospital and erhm…” with his voice shaking, my adrenalines now gathering momentum to rush out from every available opening, my heart pounding as loud and as fast like a horse's hoofs, my head I could feel it at that point in time also resonating my heart beat; “can you please send me your guardians' contact phone number?” he asked again but I was too impatient to get the answer to my question, tho I wasn't guessing nor trying to imagine worse “sure, why not” I replied after telling it to him off-hand he hung up on me without a response and that sent a signal to me something is wrong somewhere. However the call was made in the presence of a friend who stayed around, I narrated what I had heard on the phone and he said “be rest assured nothing is going to happen to anyone in the car” just to stair me up hoping it was so, I got so engulfed and lost in tears I quickly ran into my room next building laid on the mattress and then prayers started in the midst of tears and nose-floods “DAD MUST NOT DIE, MUMMY MUST NOT DIE…” I wish I could roll back the hands of time and reverse the event, I wish I could just flash back and ask them not to come anymore, I wish I had super powers to foresee and foretell the future, I wish this I wish that soon consumed me I almost lost my mind.
Soon after, same number called me back lost in suspense to hear how mom was fairing he asked “do you have any other number your guardian is using? Because this is not going through” “No” said I, “TALK TO ME, WHAT'S GOING ON?” I asked one more time with tears in my eyes rolling down my cheeks; “Did he just hang up on me again?” I wondered five minutes later the final call which changed the atmosphere came in was a bit reluctant to pick up but because my anxiety and curiosity are both thirsty of the truth I had to pick up after the third beep and the words were like this “Isaac, Dad and Mom were involved in a multiple accident and it was very serious” “ehn ehn so?” I cut in “and I am sorry MOM IS GONE” He said I hissed even in the midst of my tears in disapproval “gone to where” I asked “Isaac Mom is DEAD” The news threw the phone I had inherited from her while resuming as a fresher into the University on the wall it scattered so bad each part was picked up from various axis of the room I exclaimed and my wailing drew the attention  of co-tenants to my room I was wailing so high neighbors had gathered behind my window, the Landlord and his wife had heard this noise.  I further screamed jumping and distorting the room no one could come closer risking getting punched or slapped or injured “MY MOM IS GONE” I said with no one asking me “gone to where?” Sister Yeti my school mother asked “she is gone o, somebody help” This time around they knew they were in for a serious business and not joke Isaac drenched in sweats and tears this is not a joke anymore it was more like a drama some were still wondering “ah ha is he joking this time again ni?” they murmured “probably he is rehearsing his part in the drama presentation” another said “MY LIFE IS IN SHAMBLES, AND MY FUTURE IS OVER HERE” These were the words that finally locked the room and shut the whole place down, they were uttered by me as far as I can remember I was held by 3 hefty men, sat me down on the mattress but the wailing got no help. The room which used to be the centre for jokes and food soon turned into a mourning room, at that point I felt an emptiness in my heart, it was so real I felt I would die before dawn, “Isaac take it easy ehn, she can't just die like that” said a brother “Impossible” another responded “we need to pray people of God” my favorite brother in the lodge suggested and in no time they all concurred. Few seconds into the prayers, Bible quotations hitting each other, commotion of tongues and authorities but faith was put to test which everyone passed but fortunately it was God's decision to take His saint away and no amount of prayers would be enough to reverse His decisions; Forty-five minutes or less into prayers but to no avail Spirit-filled brothers and sisters succumbed to God's will “Mom is gone” I kept on repeating on my lips till it sank into my subconscious and swept my feet of the ground into sleep. 
To God be the glory for hope for the hurtful as recorded in the Scripture which has been our consolation as we mark the 1st Year in memory of our mother Pastor Mrs Eunice Foluke Adeyemo. The Bible says, “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord's word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.  For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words.”  1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 
May the Lord uphold us and the Church till we see the Lord’s return with His saints in Jesus name.
Brother Isaac Adebayo Adeyemo
For the family

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