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Friday 16 June 2017


"Each and every one of us that has believed on the name of Jesus Christ for our salvation is a possessor of the authority of heaven..."


I felicitate with us fathers in this Sanctuary today and the rest of the Baptist family on this year Father’s Day. It is my prayer that the day will mark a turning point for better, success, prosperity and sound health in your life and family in Jesus name.

This year’s Theme is “Victory over Destiny Killers”
As you may want to know, Destiny is the glory of God deposited in you. It is the potential in us that are designed to launch us into limelight. It is the authority we carry to be fruitful, increase, multiply, rule and replenish the earth.
It is this glorious package that attracts Satanic attention. Satan therefore is bent on attack, steal, kill and destroy the destiny before we take charge of the earth. Gen. 1: 26-28; Revelation 12: 10-12; 1 Peter 5: 7-8; John 10: 10; Ephesians 6: 10-14.
You Have a Glory to Protect
Every single soul created by God has a glory planted in him and must be protected manifested and accounted for. We are created in the image of God with His fullness dwelling in us for extension of the heavenly kingdom on earth. Therefore we must defend this treasure to death if so be. If you cannot fight for it, then it is not worth living for. That is why Apostle Paul said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4: 7.
God's Glory in Us: Our Authority
Each and every one of us that has believed on the name of Jesus Christ for our salvation is a possessor of the authority of heaven. Jesus said that we have the keys of the kingdom. Keys represent authority. I have on my key ring a key that will open every door in this building, because I have authority in this place, I can come and I can go. A door is meant as a barrier but once you possess the key its no longer hindrance to you. We possess the keys of the kingdom, in other words WE HAVE AUTHORITY. Nothing that the enemy of my soul throws at me will deter me, slow me down, or cause me to give up, because I possess the keys of authority. The power of heaven binds whatever I bind the power of heaven loses whatever I loose. It is so because of the glory of God in us.
Your Spiritual Potential: Elijah was referred to as man of God. It speaks of his relationship to God. 6:9. Therefore we have a destiny if only we are in personal encounter with God. John 15: 4; Deut 7: 6; Exodus 19: 5; Psalm 135: 4; 1 Peter 2: 9; 2 Peter 1: 3-4 In other words you are a child of destiny.  Your Physical Potential: 6:12 Elijah was referred to Prophet. This is is reference to his physical potential. You are designed to go places through your physical demonstration of God’s given talent/gift in your life. Joseph the dreamer Genesis 37: 18-20; Judges 6: 12, 14; Luke 1 17; Eph. 4: 11-14
What is your talent? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Your Dothan, a Place to Battle: Elijah was located in Dothan commonly referred to as haunted place. 6: 13; Genesis 37: 15-17.
Where is your Dothan?   _______________________________
Signs of Destiny Killers: Go and see, 6: 12
Mysterious movements/occurrences by night 6: 14, Stubborn and unending problems, 6: 15
Fear 6: 16
Solutions to Destiny Killers
Be bold in the Lord 6: 16
Believe the word 6: 16
Pray against the enemies 6: 18
Above all, you must be born again, filled with the Holy Spirit and as you do so your destiny killers shall die in Jesus name

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